
An FDA Registered Lab
Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday - 8am to 5pm



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About us

We at Laxmi Dental Lab USA Inc, are full service and well equipped dental lab specializing in providing finest dental products and services. We believe in producing quality prosthodontic and dental cosmetic products in schedule time. We have 21 years of experience in Dental Laboratory works and are backed by Certified Dental Technicians.


BruxZirTM Solid Zirconia is made from virtually unbreakable, biocompatible medical-grade zirconia-the same element used to make bulletproof military armor. Because BruxZirTM has no porcelain overlay, it is more resistant to chipping, cracking or breaking in the mouth. This makes BruxZirTM ideal for bruxers and grinders, who have broken their natural teeth or porcelain restorations in the past.

Dentists have long relied on porcelain metal crowns & bridges for long-term durability and strength but with the introduction of BruxZirTM, an equally strong solution is now available.


Laxmi Dental Lab

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